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Recover Your System From Unexpected Behaviour (Windows 8)

Perform System Restore To Restore Your Computer To A Good Configuration

Dear Friends,

Computer plays a very important role in todays life. Every person have to use it for different purposes. Some people use it for playing High Quality Games, some use it for Application Development and some other use it for Creative Applications and official purposes too.
But sometimes, due to unexpected behavior of the Software we are using, be it a Game or any other Application, the system crashes. After the system has Crashed, we just restart it and keep doing our daily work.
But after some time we notice a change in the performance of the system, it has become slow and takes more time on startup, or any application stopped working properly on it.

Here is a solution to all these problems, we call it System Restore. It is easily accessible in previous versions of the Windows but in Windows 8 it is not easily accessible. So I'm writing tutorial about it. Just follow these steps to perform System Restore:

Step 1-
Open Control Panel. You can open it by searching control panel on Start Screen.
System Restore

Step 2-
Now in Control Panel search box type, recovery. You will see Recovery option on the left side, click on it.
System Restore

Step 3-
After clicking on Recovery, you will see Advanced Recovery Options, click on Open System Restore
System Restore

Step 4-
Now System Restore window will open. You will see two options, click on the radio button next to the second option and click Next.
System Restore

Step 5-
Now you will see many restore points to select from. Select the Restore Point prior to system crash, means, if your system crashed on 15 March 2015 then you can select any Restore Point before that date. After selecting Restore Point, click on Next .
System Restore

Step 6-
All the required information has been collected by the system, click on Finish to start System Restore.
System Restore

Now you will see a Warning Message, "Once Started, System Restore can not be interrupted. Do you want to continue?". Just click on Yes.
System Restore

Step 7-
The System will now close all the applications and will start restoring the system. After performing System Restore, your computer will start and show you a message that system restore was successful. Just Close it. You are done here!
System Restore

Enjoy, Your system will run like it was running before. If you face any problems, write in comments.

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