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Play High Quality Games On Low Configuration PC

Play High End Games On Low End PC Using 3D Analyzer

Dear Friends,

Mostly all of us like computer games. They offer great timepass and exercise to our minds. But sometimes, when we don't have good configuration PC, High Quality games do not run properly and spoil the excitement.
Today we will learn how to play High End (High Quality) games on Low End (Low Configuration) PC.
Before we go further, we should know about 3D Analyzer.

What is 3D Analyzer?
-3D Analyzer is a PC Software which enables us to play high end games on low end PC.

Now what is actually 3D Analyzer and what does it do?
-3D Analyzer does transform and lightning hardware emulation and helps in running TnL games on PC’s which do not have dedicated graphics card. It can emulate most of the features of 3D games such as pixelshader, bump maps, SW TnL etc.
But a normal user may not understand these technical terms so in easy language it helps to play high end games on low end PCs.

How to use 3D Analyzer to Play high end games on low end PC ?

Follow these steps-

First of all Download 3D Analyzer from here.
(Click the link above and wait for 5 seconds, then click on Skip Ad in upper right corner.)
You will get a Zip file after downloading.

Extract the Zip file. After extracting the Zip file you will find a file named 3danalyzer-v236.exe, double click on that. The file will ask for installation, choose the directory where you want to install 3D Analyzer and click on Install.
Install 3D Analyser

Now go to the directory where you installed 3D Analyzer and there you will see many file such as : 3DAnalyze.exe, ForceDLL.dll, beta.txt, hook_3DA.dll etc. Double click on the file named 3DAnalyze.exe to run it (do not touch any other file).
Install 3D Analyser

Now you will see the window as shown below:
3D Analyser

Click on Select and then browse to the .exe (executable file of the game). For eg. if I install MaxPayne2 then the exe file of the game would be in the directory where I installed the game with the name MaxPayne.exe . (Do not select the shortcut which are on desktop or anywhere else on the PC).
3D Analyser

Now when you have selected the .exe file of the game. all the options of 3d Analyzer would now be enabled.
Now select the graphic card to which you want to emulate the game.
To select Graphic Card : see that names of some graphic cards are given. Vendor ID and Device ID is also given below their names. Copy /Write the Vendor ID and the Device ID of the Graphic Card which you want to emulate in the two boxes provided.
3D Analyser

Now put a tick on the options which you want to enable and leave the rest of them.
After doing this click on “RUN”.
3D Analyser
Your game will start running without any problem.
3D Analyser

Enjoy, High Quality Gaming! Don't forget to comment.

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